Is it good to work in a LOUDER MUSIC? - Online Partner


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Is it good to work in a LOUDER MUSIC?

That too much stereo definitely isn’t great for your ears. 

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,an Adult can safely handle a noise less than 85 decibels for eight hours in a day.

And the louder music shrinks our maximum time very quickly. For instance, adults can tolerate up to 94 decibels of sound for only one hour.

If it is more than 94 decibels, it becomes potentially harmful to our ears.
But these days, some people use to work listening music blasted as loud as 99 decibels, a recent study found.

That probably won’t tear you away from your favorite class, which is likely only an hour or less. 
But next time, see if you notice any ringing or buzzing in your ears after class. If you do, it is suggested to start wearing earplugs to prevent any long-term or permanent hearing loss. 

Earplugs will only muffle the noise, so you should still be able to hear the music. Some studios offer earplugs to clients for free, or you can pick up a pack at the drugstore and stash them in your bag. And don’t forget to watch the volume if you’re working out on your own and listening to music with headphones.

As a rule, if someone near you can hear the music through your headphones, it’s too loud.

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