About - khadgadarai.com.np:Your Online Partner


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Something about me and my blog

My name is Mr. Khadga Darai. Permanently I am from Vyas-1, Damauli, Tanahun, Nepal but I do not stay at a single place because I love travelling or I am a Photographer too.

If I got leisure time or when my internet is off, I often love to travel and playing with my camera.
Web surfing is my passion, internet is my soul, photography and music is my life and my own feelings are my enthusiasm.  I am being driven by those life-handling things and I love them too.

Why  I started blogging?

I would like to take a moment to explain why  I started this blog and more importantly what value I think You can get out of it. I started learning how to create a blog, how to code and how to maintain it. I did lots of research, reading every eBook I could. I read tons of articles, used various tools to learn the tricks of the web designing. My thirst for learning the latest web technologies such as HTML, HTML5, CSS equipped me with the skill of web design.

I have learned and developed few skills in this time and I can definitively argue that I have grown both professionally and personally.

I thought it would be a really good idea to help educate others and raise awareness along the way. I want to share what I have learned so far and what I continue to learn through blogging so that I can be of assistance in some way to improve their blogs.

Here I share how I have gone about learning new things and skills.  With the explosion of online learning options available around, now we can really learn so many things quickly for very little cost or almost free.  You can learn skills that can help you switch into a new career field, or you could learn things that will help you make money on the side.

This blog does not discuss about just a single topic. I will try to provide information about lots of sector such as society, internet, technology and mostly about health.

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